Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions set out on this page apply to this official ElonBet website, as well as all services and any other activity that is done on our behalf.
Whether a user is a guest or a registered customer, they are still subject to the terms and conditions set out on this page. Any customer who uses our services or is simply on the site is obliged to fulfil their obligations and to know their rights. In case of violation of our requirements, we have the right to irrevocably delete the customer’s account without giving any reasons.
ElonBet is currently the property of Sknet Tech Ltd. The company is registered in Belize. The registration number is — 000042585. We are located at Sea Urchin Street, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize, licensed in the State of Anjouan under the Computer Gaming Licensing Act 007 of 2005.

General Terms
When using our service players should understand that we reserve the right to change the terms and conditions located on this page. This means that the client should periodically check the information on the terms and conditions. Once we change the terms and conditions and post them on the site, they will immediately take effect. Continued use of our services will mean that the player fully agrees to the changes. If a player does not agree with the new terms and conditions, he should stop using our site.
Questions about bets, bonuses and other aspects of using our services that occurred before the new rules came into effect will be dealt with in accordance with the old terms and conditions.
Your Obligations
- If a player uses our services, he confirms the following things:
- The customer has reached the age of 18 or is authorised to gamble according to the laws in his place of residence. At any time we may request documents from the player in order to verify this.
- The player is fully legally capable and can enter into a legal bilateral agreement with us. The user must not use our website if he is incapacitated.
- The customer is a resident of a country where gambling is allowed. The player is not a resident of a jurisdiction where gambling of any kind is prohibited. The Client is unilaterally responsible for ensuring that his activities on our site comply with the laws of his country or jurisdiction.
- The Player does not use VPN services, proxy servers or other forms of encryption that hide, change or manipulate the current location of the client.
- When using a payment system account for deposit or withdrawal, the player is its owner.
- When making a payment in our favour, the player will not manipulate the transaction in his favour, cancel it or intentionally perform actions that will lead to the cancellation of the transaction by a third party.
- The player understands that he may win or lose all the money deposited on this site. In accordance with these terms and conditions, the client is unilaterally liable for all losses when using our services.
- When placing bets, the player does not use information that has been obtained by circumvention of the law or other illegal means that violate the laws of the country in which the client was located at the time of placing the bet.
- The customer acts solely on his own behalf and not on behalf of any other third party or commercial organisation.
- The player must not manipulate our Service or take actions that interfere with its correct operation for his own benefit.
- The Customer shall act in good faith towards us or the Service at all times and in relation to all bets placed using the Service.
The player himself, his family members, employees or employers are not our Affiliates under the affiliate programme.
Restricted Use
A player must not use our service and cannot be our client if:
- The player is under 18 years of age or under the age of legal gambling according to the laws of the jurisdiction.
- The player is unable to enter into a bilateral legal agreement with us and is incapacitated.
- The client is acting as an agent or on behalf of a person who has not yet reached the age of majority (below the age of consent to gamble in the player’s jurisdiction).
- The user resides in a country in which gambling is completely prohibited for all.
- The player resides in one of the following countries where our services are prohibited:
– Austria;
– France and its territories;
– Germany;
– Netherlands and its territories;
– Spain;
– Union of the Comoros;
– United Kingdom;
– United States and its territories;
– All countries on the FATF blacklist;
– Any other jurisdictions deemed prohibited by the Anjouan Offshore Finance Authority.
- A player is going to collect nicknames, email addresses or any other information about our customers.
- The aim of the player is to spam emails, unsolicited mailings or unauthorised framing.
- The player is going to interfere with other players or negatively influence their gambling activities.
- The client is going to distribute advertising, and affiliate links or impose other types of services related to gambling.
- The user uses any method that in our opinion may be an attempt to defraud the service or another customer. It is also forbidden to collude with other customers in order to gain advantages.
- The player wants to violate our intellectual property rights or engage in any other illegal activity.
- The customer is going to sell his account to third parties or purchase another account from them for personal use.
- The purpose of the user is to transfer money from one account to another.
We have every right to block the account of a customer who has used our services for unauthorised purposes. In addition, in some cases, we may take legal action against such customers.